> Workshops > TAG
your place! TAG your place! -workshop was organised in summer 2006 in Bitola, Macedonia as a part of OPERATION: FRONT -project by PAC Multimedia Center from Macedonia, POVOD from Slovenia, Loesje from Serbia and Gabja from Croatia. The workshop series consisted of three workshops one being TAG you place! We first explored different locations around Bitola city and workshop participants were given information about them. Some of the participants chose to work in these locations, but naturally there were new ones found on the way. Mindmaps led to ideas and there were also small introductions to different techniques if those were needed in the process. In the end, the results were very fruital not to mention brilliant. We managed to create vast range of different types of projects from video to installations and photography exhibition in the center of city. Groups Revive
Old Bazar (photography installation) Postcards
from Bitola Mozaik
(photobook) Blid
Bitola (installation) Heraklea
(photographs) Memory
of the Silent (multimedia) Panta
Rei (video, working title “somewhere under the Sun”) 3-Dimensional
Bitola (installation) See also final presentation (.pdf 609 kt) Please respect the copyrights of the authors. The workshop
was assisted by Gjorgi Dimitrov from Bitola. |